Colon Health

Colon Pills
Colon Pills

Colon Pills – 100 capsules
Natural Laxative

True health does not come from your body’s deficiency of drugs or even antioxidants. True health comes about by eliminating foreign substances from the body that hamper vital organs from performing their natural function. The first vital step is to cleanse the colon. Our Colon Pills work better than any other product like it on the market. Period. If you’re not moving your bowels daily your health will truly suffer if it hasn’t already.

Many of the symptoms you may be experiencing such as pain, insomnia, bad breathe, anxiety, bloating, etc. may very well be due to a backed up, poorly functioning  elimination system. We’re here to help. Our Colon Pills will help you to stay regular while making you feel better, so you can enjoy quality of life. Get back to feeling like you.  As with all of our 100% herbal, all-natural products, always drink 2 glasses of water when taking them to ensure proper absorption. The Initial blast out is heaviest the first few weeks, thorough cleansing takes longer. When you’re functioning more normally, go on a maintenance of 1 to 2 pills a day and 1 or 2 cleanse every other day. Each person should experiment to determine their correct dosage and if you need a little coaching, one of our specialists is here for you.

100 capsules – $27.81 
Twin Pack – $53.87 $52.67

Colon Cleanse
Colon Cleanse

Colon Cleanse – 100 capsules
Disinfects & Scrubs the Intestines

It’s never really a popular topic to discuss but your lack of eliminating can cause detrimental health if it hasn’t already. Make no mistakes about it, If you don’t move your bowels daily, your health will go down if it hasn’t already. Anyone can have 5 to 20 lbs. of tough, decaying, black crud lining the walls of the large intestine, a protruding belly even if thin, bad breath or bad complexion. With this comes food that ferments and rots in the gut. When we eat a meal, the food should never stay in you more than 8 to 15 hours. Any longer then this and you can become a walking cesspool.

If this sounds familiar you’d better do something about it fast. Not to worry, Our Colon Cleanse has got you covered. A unique blend of the finest herbs courtesy of Mother Nature, which acts like a gentle, cleansing scrub brush for your intestines and colon. Helps to ease the go, especially in chronic cases. The result, a lighter, healthier, more energetic version of yourself. As a result of ridding the body of built-up toxins you can also expect clearer skin, a sharper mind and better sleep, not to mention just feeling better. Be sure to Combine our Colon Cleanse with plenty of water for proper absorption. For maximum results, take with our Colon Pills.

100 capsules – $27.81 
Twin Pack – $53.87  $52.67

Colon Health Starter Kit

Colon Health Starter Kit – 100 capsules each

We don’t often discuss it, but ensuring proper elimination is key to achieving optimal health and well-being. That is why we chose our unique blend of 100% all natural herbs that make up our gentle and extremely effective colon cleansing duo to rejuvenate your body’s main sewer line, the colon. It helps to support a healthy digestive system as well as clearing away harmful toxins and impurities which can cause the following helpful side effects: A boost in energy, a clear, focused mind, and even aids in healthy weight loss. The first step to any health or weight loss program should always be detox. We all desire to look and feel our best. With so many supplements on the market, it’s tough to figure out which ones are the best to help achieve our goals. That’s why we are here to help with the right advice and the right tools. So you can focus on being the best version of yourself and living your best life.

Our Colon Health Starter Kit is so easy to do, is extremely effective and gentle on the system: The intended length of use is about a month at a time. (100 capsules, start with small doses; 1-2 capsules per day and drink plenty of water).

Some of the health benefits of our Colon Health Starter Kit:

Helps the body in healthy, natural elimination and proper digestion: helps with getting rid of harmful, foreign substances and supports healthy bowel movements for a gentle, safe and effective cleanse.

• Naturally supports the bodies’ energy levels and weight loss as well as maintain a healthy weight: Keeps the intestines nice and clean and clear as well as eliminating excess waste keeping vital organs in the body performing at their peak level. Alleviates things like bloating and gas.

• 100% pure, gentle and soothing ingredients. Nothing but the purest and finest quality herbs and fibers as well as aloe for an effective, gentle and safe cleanse.

100 capsules each – $53.87  $52.67


Mullzyme – 90 capsules

Mucus production by the body is a naturally occurring process. A layer of mucus along the inner walls of the stomach is vital to protect the cell linings of that organ from the highly acidic environment within it. The body also produces mucus to prevent absorption of harmful dyes and chemicals that can be found in processed foods. When this over production of mucus occurs too often this can cause a lot of health problems as the membranes and organs get clogged up.

Our Mullzyme Mucus Dissolver contains Mullein Leaf which is a powerful cleansing herb especially for the lungs. It also contains fast-acting enzymes like pepsin, pectin which is found in apples and Bromelain found in pineapple. These enzymes work to quickly dissolve the mucus build up in the body delivering you fast-acting relief.

The pure formula found in our Mullzyme Mucus Dissolver is especially effective at expediting the removal of this hardened mucus lining that can cause poor, sluggish digestion, constipation and leaky gut. Digesting the mucus that is lining the colon walls takes time. It’s best to avoid the most mucus-producing foods such as dairy products, especially ice cream and cow’s milk. When taking Mullzyme Mucus Dissolver, you should start out with small dosages and slowly increase to find the right dose for you. For maintenance, it is advisable and recommended to take 1 Mullzyme daily to help keep the colon walls free of mucus buildup.

90 capsules – $29.66 
Twin Pack – $60.82  $59.32