Heart/Prostate Health

OC-M Herbal Chelator – 4 fl. oz.
The Heavy Metal Eliminator
The word “chelate” means to draw out. The herbs in our Herbal Chelator act like a magnet to metals that accumulate in the tissues of the body and help to draw them out so that you enjoy optimum health.
Be sure to shake the bottle before using it each time as the natural ingredients tend to settle at the bottom of the bottle. The usual suggested dose is 2 ml in 2 oz. of water once daily, preferably with food. You may drink it and use it externally. It is wonderful for circulation problems, head and brain; rub around eyes, ears, neck, over clogged arteries, pain areas, joints, muscles, as it can relieve pain. Most people often feel its effect right away. But keep in mind as with any natural product, it takes time. For some people, it can take weeks, months, or longer, depending upon the severity of heavy metal accumulation. Be sure to use it regularly, internally and externally, until circulation improves and afflictions and deficiencies begin to diminish or are gone.
We have seen phenomenal results with the use of our Herbal Chelator in combination with our Colloidal Silver Water especially for relieving an enlarged, inflamed prostate.
Stoneroot: will start to dissolve the hardened material in the arteries
Chickweed: will start softening the hardened artery walls
Flax: will help coat cholesterol floating in the bloodstream keeping it from sticking to the artery walls
Ginkgo: will restore blood supply to the brain and help remove heavy metals
Gotu Kola: will help correct memory problems
Holy Basil: adds organic copper that is needed for iron absorption
OC-M Herbal Chelator Capsules – 100 ct.
Beneficial for maintaining healthy, clean arteries.
100 ct. – $50.25

Prostate Health Combo- 2 qt. Colloidal Silver Water & 1 – 4oz. Herbal Chelator
Only $104.75