How to Detoxify
The Phenomenal Rewards of a Liver Flush
It should now be clear that true health does not come from drugs or antioxidants. True health comes about by eliminating foreign substances from the body that hamper vital organs from performing their natural function. In the 20th century we have introduced massive amounts of pollutants, chemicals, toxins and unnatural substances into our food and body products. The human immune system was simply unprepared for this onslaught resulting in our health being jeopardized. To undo this, the first vital step is to cleanse the colon, the second to cleanse the liver and the third to cleanse the kidneys.
The liver is our most vital organ and may even determine our life span. It is the main detoxifying gland and its capability to detoxify food, chemicals and foreign substances is the basis of our health. It has miles and miles of bile ducts and when some are obstructed, others take over. However, when a whole section gets obstructed, it can no longer detoxify a whole set of chemicals and the chemicals then travel in the blood stream and throughout the body, including the brain.
The primary source of unnatural foreign substances that clog our organs are processed foods and beverages; the second is body products, cosmetics, cleansing agents and detergents that also contain a host of chemicals, toxins, solvents and pollutants that seep into our body. Most people have quit smoking because of carcinogens and toxins yet many body products contain similar pollutants. The amounts may be minute but over time pollutants accumulate and handicap functioning of vital organs.
A clogged contaminated liver results in minor and major health afflictions and the most obvious is allergies! The bile ducts are clogged with pollutants, metals, chemicals, parasites and bacteria. The liver’s response is to turn it all into stones and then push them over into the gallbladder (gallstones). Stones come in different sizes, shapes and colors, and many contain cholesterol crystals that prevent cholesterol from leaving the body thus raising cholesterol levels.
The liver’s job is to make bile and deliver it to the bile ducts. For so many people, the bile ducts are choked with stones that obstruct the flow of bile. As stones become more numerous, the liver produces less bile. Without enough bile the body gets toxic and cannot metabolize nutrients causing increased cholesterol. Bile removes excess cholesterol, emulsifies fat, breaks down saturated fats into unsaturated fats and is necessary to eliminate chemicals, toxins and pollutants. The bile ducts can also be full of cholesterol because the stones prevent cholesterol from leaving the body causing cholesterol levels to rise.
The key to a vigorous pain-free healthy life is clean unobstructed properly functioning organs. A liver flush and cleanse is as dramatic, effective and rewarding as a colon cleanse. Eliminating stones dramatically improves digestion which is the basis of our health. In addition, allergies and pain can disappear. You can have more energy and a sense of well being. A liver flush can clean out miles of bile ducts (tubes) and eliminate hundreds of stones.
A single liver flush will not rid you of all stones and should be repeated 3 to 4 times a year. The first cleanse rids you of many stones but there usually are stones in the rear and they will travel forward.
The liver is a living filter to keep blood clean and free of toxins and poisons. Clean blood means a disease-free body. Just as so many have abused colons in this chemical-based society, they also have a clogged, handicapped liver and don t even know it. It is extremely important to unclog the liver by flushing out the stones. With an unclogged liver it is unlikely one would ever be sick.
How to Keep Liver Bile Ducts Clean & Prevent Future Stones from Forming
A teaspoon of olive oil a day will keep the liver bile ducts clean and prevent new stones from forming. It’s that easy and it works! Use pure virgin olive oil. Mixing it with juice from a lemon makes it easier to drink. Drink it in one shot or with meals, salads, etc. In Greece they devour olive oil and the incidence of cancer is miniscule in comparison to America. |